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Invitation National Convention 2025

We are delighted to welcome Abhijata Iyengar to Brussels on 23, 24 and 25 May 2025. We hope to see many of you there. Follow the link below to reserve your place. Register for the convention.

We will need help and support to organise and welcome participants to the national convention, so please give a little of your help to make this event a success! Contact the secretariat:


Who is Abhijata Iyengar?
Abhijata Iyengar is the granddaughter of BKS Iyengar. She was formed by BKS Iyengar, as well as by Gita and Prashant Iyengar at Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institut – RIMYI, in Pune, India, which she currently runs. Her invaluable knowledge and deep understanding are rooted directly in the source of Iyengar Yoga. Her precise and generous teaching conveys the specificities of Iyengar Yoga and is accessible to all practitioners.


Friday 23/05: for certified teachers and future mentorship teachers
Saturday 24/05: open to all
Sunday 25/05: open to all
The Biyab General Assembly will be held on Saturday, May 24, from 13:15 to 14:00 on-
site. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Opening hours:
From 9: 30 to 12: 30 + 14:00 to 17h
Lunch Break: From 12: 30 to 14:00

ULB - Avenue Buyl 87 A - 1050 Brussel

Cost : 
This price includes a light lunch on the spot.
Early Booking (until 31/01/2025):
1 day: EUR 100
2 days: EUR 190
3 days: EUR 280 (for certified professors and mentees only)
Rates as of 02/02/2025
1 day: EUR 130
2 days: EUR 240
3 days: EUR 350 (for certified professors and mentees only)

Registration is accessible to any member of Biyab, within the limits of available places. To become a member of Biyab, or to renew your membership fee, and register for the agreement: click on this hyperlink
(being a member of Biyab includes annual insurance during your courses and conventions with a certified Iyengar teacher, and also allows the Biyab association to invite foreign professors, and support the development of Iyengar Yoga in Belgium)

Personal equipment you need:
1 yoga mat, 4 blankets, 2 ropes and 2 bricks (wooden or cork). For those traveling from afar, a limited number of equipment kits will be available. To reserve a kit, please contact Biyab via email from 01/05/2025 at: by mentioning MATERIEL CONVENTION in the subject.

Happy to share these 3 exceptional days with Abhijata Iyengar ! Q&A session with Abhijata during her visit to London in 2024.