Three new level 2 Iyengar Yoga Teachers in Belgium! Announcement Belgian Iyengar Yoga Association: Congratulations to Belgium's three new level 2 Iyengar yoga teachers: Marie MartinezSimon BergéIlythyia De Lignaire...
Workshop with Garth Mclean Dear members of Biyab, Yoga practitioners, teachers, We are very happy to announce the workshop of Garth Mclean on Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April 2025. Schedul...
The AnuYoga Teacher Immersion Program Dear Members of the Iyengar Yoga Community in Belgium, We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our pilot project, Iyengar Yoga for the Medical System. This in...
Residential Yoga Program by Corine Biria in Feb 2025 Bellur Dear All, Seasonal Greetings from Bellur !!We are very happy to announce the Residential yoga program by Corine Biria in Feb 2025 a...
October 2024 Convention France - Lois Steinberg Registration opens for the French Iyengar® Yoga Convention in October 2024!As you may already know, this year the AFYI...
50 years Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute Gurujis sadhana laid the seed for the formation of a Yoga Institute. With the help of his students, this fructied in the inauguration of RIMYI, Ramamani Iyengar Memo...
New website! It took a while but BIYAB's new website is online! With this new website, we wish to inform you even better about Iyengar Yoga, both for interested, beginning yogis and advanced s...